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Tired of being “Treated Like a Number” by the typical outplacement firms, recruiters and employer-paid search firms? Have those standard-issue methodologies proven unable to land you a suitable position? Many high-level job seekers remain frustrated with the results yielded by the typical, run-of-the-mill approaches.


OnwardMax is the way.  We can show you the path and steadily guide the way, ensuring you're well equipped to arrive at your desired professional destination.


OnwardMax is a consistently effective Career Progress firm for professionals who typically earn six figures or more annually. Since most of the openings at this level are not listed publicly or advertised, our considerable access to The Unpublished Market is an invaluable component to our service.


OnwardMax is never paid by the employers upon successfully facilitating careers for our clients – nor do we ever receive any percentage of anyone’s salary.


Hiring parties value their relationship with OnwardMax – because we essentially pre-screen candidates for them – candidates they can subsequently hire for free.


Hiring Managers (and such) are inundated with thousands of resumes -- nearly all of which read the same. They’re trying desperately to winnow it down to a handful of the most viable candidates. OnwardMax serves as a reliable source of pre-screened candidates who “take the bull by the horns” by writing their own ticket – saving the hiring company the expense of paying substantial fees to outplacement companies, executive search firms or recruiters.



As opposed to being Treated Like a Number, OnwardMax clients receive a large amount of individual focus and attention. OnwardMax assiduously reviews your entire career history, assessing your key strengths while mitigating any weakness, lapse or gap in one’s professional profile. Your skills, accomplishments and experience are couched in the best possible context, reverse-engineered to reflect the desired attributes the hiring parties we engage with are targeting.


Our clients are branded (or re-branded, as desired) and packaged in a manner that gets proven results.


OnwardMax has perfected a very thorough process, which includes: prolonged and relevatory consultation that unearths what's truly unique about you, branding what is accordingly determined to be unique about you, crafting your resume in a manner that distinguishes you from the pack, and exhaustively disseminating that through the published and unpublished job markets. We provide a variety of inroads to the unpublished market you'd otherwise be going without. Our mandate is to land you the best pay in the most rewarding circumstance possible.

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